Dear 2020

4 min readDec 27, 2020
Photo by Erick Kaine on Unsplash

Dear 2020,

This year has taught me one thing, and it is to sit in the discomfort of the complete unknown.

It’s been an exhausting year. Burnout is high, exhaustion penetrates deep alongside its disgraceful friend (enemy) anxiety. Fear and the rhetoric around it gets louder by the minute, as if there is no way to control the volume.

The most uncomfortable thing about this time, has been finding ways to embrace the uncomfortable. We get too stuck and familiar with our comfort zones. We depend and lean on them as if they are permanent foundations that cannot be shaken. This time spent navigating the complete unknown of the pandemic has forced us to confront our discomfort, potentially coming eye-to-eye with our fear, our shame, our (what we thought) unshakeable foundation, and our ability to trust.

In the darkest and most trying parts of this year, there have been moments of looking fear, hate, and anguish right in the eye. We have seen the beginning of a cultural revolution. A time in which hate and fear are really told to fuck off, and that in our individual experiences that we can be voices of change. We can represent kindness and compassion, and that ultimately starts as long as we are both kind AND compassionate with ourselves.

This year has taught me the importance of sticking to the practices, rituals and guidelines…

